Ferrell Brewing Company

Author: Stephen Holmes

A Change Up

During lock down from Covid-19 in the UK we have not been able to brew and instead we have spent our time renovating and preparing the brewery. Dave put in loads of time and effort into the brew space, fitting new ceiling cladding, painting the floor and walls, fitting a new extractor, ventilation and removing the brew benches we had been using. Steve led the way replacing and updating the electrics with a new consumer being fitted and new dedicated brew circuits. At the same time as this Si has been working on the designs for the logo and packaging, […]

iSpindel Fermentation Monitoring

At Ferrell brewing Co we have just started using a  iSpindel to monitor how are fermentations are going. The iSpindle is an open source wifi enabled hydrometer but what the hell is a hydrometer. A hydrometer measures the relative density of liquids based on buoyancy and brewers use this to calculate how much sugar is left in the beer they are fermenting.  Once we have finished brewing and have transferred the wort to the fermentor we will take a sample of the beer and cool it to 20oc and use a hydrometer to taking a reading. This reading is the […]

Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to the new Ferrell Brewing Co Website Hopefully this will web page will grow as we do. Currently we are a nano brewery that brewers for ourselves and our friends but hopefully over the next few months we will transform into a kosher brewery selling to pubs and the general public. Hopefully you will want to come with us on this adventure.

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